Lead acid battery manufacturing process
School Level

Packages comprises of

  • Recorded Lectures
  • Study Material - Pdf
  • Edp
  • Assessment followed by certificate after completion of 50 %
  • Prototype Project view of minimum duration
  • Mentorship
  • Submission of Project
  • Certificate after successful completion of project work


The project aims at developing leadership quality, self-confidence, creativity, commitment, team building, and taking the initiative to start one’s own venture among students.

The battery is an essential requirement to start electrically operating equipment, especially in electrically operated vehicles. And also, in case of mains failures or interruptions in the power supply, standby or backup power is necessary for critical applications. Therefore a  battery provides the necessary power to startup as well as standby depending on the type of application. Some of the applications of the batteries include automobiles, railways, airlines, defense, telecommunication, power stations, industries, and so on. The battery manufacturing process of each company has its own special technical patented and secret processes, which are not bound to be revealed to  masses.

The lead battery is manufactured by using lead alloy ingots and lead oxide It comprises two chemically dissimilar leads based plates immersed in  sulphuric acid solution. The positive plate is made up of lead dioxide PbO2 and the negative plate with pure lead.


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