Solar Tracking System
School Level

Packages comprises of

  • Recorded Lectures
  • Study Material - Pdf
  • Edp
  • Assessment followed by certificate after completion of 50 %
  • Prototype Project view of minimum duration
  • Mentorship
  • Submission of Project
  • Certificate after successful completion of project work


The project is designed and implemented using simple dual axis solar tracker system. In order to maximize energy generation from sun, it is necessary to introduce solar tracking systems into solar power systems. A dual-axis tracker can increase energy by tracking sun rays from switching solar panel in various directions. This solar panel can rotate in all directions. This dual axis solar tracker project can also be used to sense weather, and it will be displayed on LCD. This system is powered by Arduino, consists of servo motor, stepper motor, rain drop sensor, temperature and humidity sensor and LCD.

Solar panels are stationary and do not follow the movement of the sun. Here is a solar tracker system that tracks the sun’s movement across the sky and tries to maintain the solar panel perpendicular to the sun’s rays, ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight is incident on the panel throughout the day. The solar tracking system starts following the sun right from dawn, throughout the day till evening, and starts all over again from the dawn next day.


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